Anyone who thinks TD is a list maker doesnt use it. If you use it, TD becomes your best friend who is always there to take off the pressure of so many things to do in a busy, busy life.
She asks you what is important. She reminds you softly what you did not do last week. She holds your thoughts that you need to ponder more to develop for next weeks or next months actions. She holds those brainstorms you share with her in the middle of the night to see if they are so brilliant in the light of day.
AND, if you ignore her for days or weeks for whatever the reason good or bad, she is one click away, ready to catch you up and take the pressure from you by displaying all your choices to re-prioritize. And as if that were not enough, she continues to get better and better, year after year. I love her.
RVA410 about Toodledo, v3.3.6